AAENP Membership Information

Who may join?

Just as our practice as ENPs is collaborative, so is our organization. AAENP welcomes all emergency care providers who wish to join the organization - Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Registered Nurses (RNs), NP students, Physicians (MDs and DOs), & Physician Assistants (PAs). As our organization was developed as a specialty NP organization, understand that many leadership positions within the organization are only offered to NPs.

Membership Types

Individual Membership

  • Nurse Practitioner (NP) & Non-NP: $175
  • Active Duty Military: $125
  • Student/ Retired NP: $75

Dues are billed annually on a rolling basis.


Group Membership

AAENP offers groups of 10-19 a discount of 10% off each membership. Groups of 20 or more receive a 15% discount off each membership.  Please reach out to info@aaenp-natl.org to get your organization registered under a group discount!

Member Benefits

Members in the only organization dedicated exclusively to Nurse Practitioner Practice in Emergency Care settings have access to a variety of discounts and resources to support your clinical practice, professional activities and a healthy work/life balance.

Certification Prep & Exam

ENP-C certification exam from AANPCB
$75 discount on Emergency Nurse Practitioner Specialty Certification Exam offered by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board.

Barkley & Associates
15% discount off the standard price of all products for NP continuing education and certification review/clinical update courses as well as 15% NPAC discount.

15% discount for the Rosh Review curriculum built specifically for ENPs and non-EM certified NPs working in emergency care. Rosh Review is the leader of online ENP medical exam prep, review, and education. View Roshreview.

Continued Clinical Learning

Springer Publishing
Big discounts on a large selection of titles!

FREE CE on the AAENP CE Center
Free access to multiple educational offerings, including pharmacology credits!

25% off a one year access to all 14 EMCT modules (156 hours of CME/CE’s), twice monthly 1 hour presentations with live Q/A sessions to highlight key emergency care concepts found in the EMCT modules, and procedural videos demonstrating a broad range of emergency procedures, from arthrocentesis to US guided central lines, all performed on actual patients.

Hippo Education
Hippo Education offers AAENP members a 10% discount on Adult EM Bootcamp, 10% discount on Peds EM Bootcamp, and 3 month free trial for ERcast Podcasts.

The Laceration Course
AAENP is happy to announce a new partnership with The Laceration Course (TLC), led by Dr. Patrick O’Malley, a board certified emergency physician and TLC creator. This comprehensive online course consists of 7 video lectures and includes 4 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits with a $50 discount. Covering basic and advanced topics, this course will provide you with all the information you need to confidently manage lacerations in the acute setting.

Provider Practice Essentials
PPE offers 1, 2, or 3 day workshops includes hands-on live suturing, EKG interpretation, pulmonary management, deadly rash and skin identification, and radiology interpretation. They also offer focused teaching in diagnostic and clinical ultrasound, and airway management. AAENP Members can take $200 off of all live 2 and 3 day programs by registering early, and 10% discount off the regular price of the Emergency Medicine Board Review Series and related products (flashcard, stimulus photo review, audio review, and practice board exam question bank).

15% discount for the Rosh Review curriculum built specifically for ENPs and non-EM certified NPs working in emergency care. Rosh Review is the leader of online ENP medical exam prep, review, and education. View Roshreview.

Professional Connections

FREE CE on the AAENP CE Center
Free access to multiple educational offerings, including pharmacology credits!

Monthly Newsletter
The electronic AAENP newsletter highlights member benefits, organizational initiatives and other pertinent news to your inbox each month.

Special Interest Groups
A space for members to collaborate, ask questions, and network with peers.

Publications & Podcasts

Free access to the Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal.

EB Medicine
EB Medicine is your go-to source for ongoing and onboarding education. Get exclusive discounts on Emergency Medicine Practice, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice, Evidence-Based Urgent Care, The Laceration Course, and The Urgent Care EKG Course. Earn CME Credits all while increasing your confidence and performance! View Website.

ECT: Emergency Care Today

Emergency Care Today is a weekly newsletter and website, produced by AAENP and Aggregage. It curates valuable and relevant articles, research studies, and thought-leadership blogs from hundreds of leading sources.